A special Christmas gift delivered at home! Baby boy Aiden Lee 12.19.18


There’s something magical invited about being invited into someone’s birthing space. There’s something extra magical about witnessing new life brought forth around the holidays. With Christmas lights shining and gifts around the Christmas tree, baby Aiden Lee was born in the water into his parent’s arms on December 19, 2019 in the early hours of the morning.

Ashley and I were quick to make a connection; she’s one of those people I feel I’ve known for years. It’s as if the stars knew long ago that our paths were meant to cross. I was placed in her own mother’s path years ago and now I see the serendipity of it all. This family will always, always hold a special place in my heart.


Ashley and Nick not only attended our group Birthing From Within class, they absolutely thrived in it! Sometimes with baby #2 it can be harder to carve out time for this baby’s arrival, for this baby’s unique birth journey, but they found a way. With 4 year old Sage in the background, they showed up to our online class week after week and opened themselves up to vulnerability and learning about birth in a whole new way, even as experienced parents. A big part of class is allowing for birth’s uncertainties and working with the mind to find new ways of coping, and more ways to set aside judgment and worries by looking them head-on and continuing to flow with new, more true beliefs about ourselves. Many if not most births present opportunities to work with this new mindset as we continually work towards acceptance of what is happening as our labor story unfolds.


The Birth Fairy does not disappoint! Even with this Birthing From Within mindset preparation, plus physical preparation like chiropractic adjustments, Spinning Babies exercises, a dedicated yoga practice, and acupuncture, baby was super cozy in his mom’s womb which pushed Ashley to limits she never knew she’d have to cope through. While Sage was born fairly quickly and prior to her due date, baby Aiden was perfectly content to stay where he was, even a week past his due date. While this is normal, perfect and even anticipated, it was unexpected for Ashley. Through weeks of steady contractions and one night that even brought her birth team to her home, birth remained elusive. The Universe provided mom and dad with the gift of opportunity; opportunity to practice patience, to work with the breath, to experience the present moment, again and again, to deepen their practice of staying grounded.


The early morning still of the night on December 19th was that magical moment when Aiden and mom were both ready, and a calm yet excited dad gave me the call. With her birth team gathered around her in support, Ashley did the hard work of bringing her baby forth. Baby Aiden Lee was born at 2:09a weighing 7#7oz in the water, a most beautiful sight to behold. Mom and dad exclaimed to each other, "It's a boy!"

What I witnessed after was pure magic as well. Aiden may be the most calm baby I have ever seen, already bringing a sense of quiet curiosity as he took turns laying on his parents’ chests. He filled that whole room with love, and my guess is he’s going to be really good at that, always.

Join big sister Sage, and mom and dad Ashley and Nick as they welcome baby Aiden Lee into their family!

In doula love,


P.s. Planning a homebirth in Fort Myers? Give us a call. Our doulas put YOU in charge of your birth and support you through all the details you haven't yet uncovered.
