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doula coaching fort myers

Business coaching for doulas

Work with me.

We all have to start somewhere.

I was once in your shoes, contemplating becoming a doula but not having the slightest idea where to begin.


It sounded like something I'd love, but I had some serious questions, like...


  • Which doula certifying agency should I go with?

  • How much money can I make?

  • Can I really do this work with young kids at home?

  • How do I start the business side of things? Liability insurance? Business license? Taxes? Ack!

  • Where would I even find families to serve?

  • What should I charge?

  • How do I become the best doula I can be?


Here I sit, 9 years later, bursting with motivation, creativity, success, and ANSWERS.  You really CAN start your own doula business and make money doing what you love. 


Together, we'll work through your challenges as well as what is going well, and I'll give you actionable tools to get your business not only up and running, but THRIVING. 


You'll have access to me for four weeks with at least one 60 minute coaching call every week PLUS unlimited emails and chats with topics including:


  • Getting crystal clear about your goals

  • Choosing a certifying doula agency. How and why? Your goals? Their goals? Online vs. in-person? Your personal support systems

  • Income potential and pricing your services: keeping it real

  • All things business: business structure, licensing, taxes, liability insurance, and more

  • Processing your own difficult birth experiences**Only available with Premier and Deluxe coaching packages**

  • Business structure-sole proprietorship, LLC, Independent Contractor. Liability insurance, business licensing, taxes, etc. What services will you offer? Business plan, startup costs.

  • Client acquisition: I love what I do, now how do I find my clients?

  • What’s in your Welcome Packet?

  • Nailing the Initial Interview

  • Marketing: where do I begin?

  • Networking: it’s who you know

  • Web presence

  • Social Media strategy

  • A second look at pricing

  • Services offered

  • Sharpening your doula skills

  • Client follow ups

  • Goodbye Ego: staying authentic to YOU

  • Bonus Coaching: customized just for you.


The first step is to book your FREE 30 minute Business Mentoring Strategy Session. This call is just for you, to dive into your needs and to discover how my Doula Business Coaching and Mentoring program can help you launch, build and grow your dream career. 

doula fort myers
doula coaching

Want to take your doula skills to the next level? 


Have you ever been at a birth and felt like you should be DOING something other than just holding mom's hand and telling her she's doing great? 


Have you ever been at an extremely long labor and had a nagging feeling that there is probably something you could do to encourage labor's progression?


Or maybe you've supported an overwhelmed mom in the midst of days-long prodromal labor and felt like maybe there was some way to get labor to take off and relieve mom's suffering and exhaustion?


Christine's latest workshop is NOW AVAILABLE for viewing. Watch and learn as Christine presents to a group of doulas and shares her knowledge about Optimal Maternal Positioning. 


Optimal Maternal Positioning is, in other words, how to get baby in their best position using a few easy positioning techniques for mom. These are techniques you can teach her in late pregnancy AND while you support your birthing clients during labor! 40 hour GONE! 


Online workshop is 2 hours in length and is on sale for $50. Click button to purchase. 

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